After reviewing the current rate schedules for service to residential, commercial, and industrial customers, Southern Pioneer Electric Company (Southern Pioneer) has filed an application with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC), requesting approval of certain changes to its rate schedules. Southern Pioneer has mailed a notice to consumers outlining the proposed changes; these notices are also viewable through the links below.

Residential and Small Commerical Notice          Industrial Customer Notice

As part of the review of these proposals, a public hearing shall be held on March 19.  Please take notice that the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) has scheduled a public hearing to be held by video conference via Zoom to provide Southern Pioneer customers an opportunity to learn more about the proposed changes, ask questions, and make comments about the proposal to Commissioners. THE PUBLIC HEARING IS SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 19, 2024, AT 6 P.M. CDT.

To participate via Zoom to ask questions and make comments, registration is required by 5 p.m. CDT the day prior to the hearing. Customers may register for the meeting at HTTPS://WWW.KCC.KS.GOV/YOUR-OPINION-MATTERS. The hearing will also be broadcast on the KCC YouTube channel. Registration is not required to view only.

Why the redesign proposal?

Modernizes rate structures: Southern Pioneer Electric has maintained the same rate structure since its development in 2007. This change allows us to modernize the rate structure, streamline our administrative processes, and better accommodate industry changes due to the self-generation technologies. Proposed changes are revenue-neutral and only a redesign of current rate structures.

Helps align fixed costs with fixed charges: Implementation of a three-part rate for residential, small commercial, and large commercial/industrial customers allows us to more accurately allocate service costs for each individual consumer. This helps us avoid having costs covered by other consumers in or spreading costs across different rate classes.